Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Challenge

For over a month now I have been thinking and thinking of aproject should I do for 2013. I asked myself if I could write an online novelbut then again I have no interesting stories to tell. I thought of volunteeringfor Manila Zoo (for real) but I think my work schedule won’t allow it. Then Ithought of blogging. For the longest time I wanted a blog but never had thecourage to go thru with it. So I decided that this year would be the year Istart one.

But as soon as I decided to create a blog I was hit byanother wall, what to blog about? I asked Google for any ideas but the answersare really vague.  All I know is I wanteda blog but really finding the inspiration of what to write about is verydaunting. I really don’t want to write about my work or my everyday experiencesbecause it would be very boring.  Food bloggingis out of the question because I can’t possibly feature just about everyfastfood chain I know. For weeks I tried to find that one thing I can do and Ican blog about. Finally the answer came to me late last night. Why not a 30 dayphoto challenge, apparently there are a lot of different lists out there somaybe I can try it out one lists at a time.

So here it is. I am starting my one year, 30 day challenge,with this.

Day 1; Self Portrait                                                          
Day 2; What you wore today                                      
Day 3; Clouds                                                                    
Day 4; Something Green                                              
Day 5; High Angle                                                            
Day 6; Low Angle                                                             
Day 7; Something Yummy                                           
Day 8; A bad habit                                                           
Day 9; Someone you Love                                           
Day 10; Childhood Memory                                        
Day 11; Something Blue                                                               
Day 12; Sunset                                                                 
Day 13; Yourself with 13 things                                  
Day 14; Eyes                                                                      
Day 15; Silhouettes or Shadows
Day 16; Long Exposure                  
Day 17; Technology
Day 18; Your Shoes
Day 19; Something Orange
Day 20; Bokeh
Day 21; Faceless Portrait
Day 22; Hands
Day 23; Sun Flare
Day 24; Animal
Day 25; Something Pink
Day 26; Close Up
Day 27; From a distance
Day 28; Flowers
Day 29; Black & White
Day 30; Self Portrait

So there it is. Not to boring but not so difficult either. 

I will officially start tomorrow.

Wish me luck!

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