Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 25 - Something Pink

Pink. As you can guess I don't have a lot of pink stuff lying around my room. So here is the best that I can do...

Pink colored pens...

In different shades...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 24 - Animal

I have 2 pets, one is Juan, my beagle whom I took a picture on day 9 and John Lloyd, my Terrapin. So now I'm going to feature John Lloyd, he is about 2 years now. I got him on a whim actually, I just saw him in a petshop and in an instant I bought him, an aquarium and 3 months supply of turtle food.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 23 - Sun Flare

Funny day, today. It's like mother nature's playing tricks on me. All morning long and well into the afternoon it was a sunny day. No clouds in sight and just blue skies. So I was confident I will nail this challenge. I was just waiting for that right moment before the sun sets. Lo and behold, the moment I step out of the building it was cloudy! I was dumbfounded I even considered giving up.

Then the sun peeked for the tiniest bit, so fast that I have to use my phone to capture it. I got this one shot... And one shot was all I needed.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 22 - Hands

Well... A hand. My left hand to be precise. I have a tattoo etched on my wrist. It is a promise for myself written in french so that only a few will know what is it's meaning. I got it after my first major break up. You can say that it is a battle scar.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 21 - Faceless Portrait

This one got me stumped...

How exactly will I come up with a "faceless" self portrait. I can't just crop my head out of any picture because it is considered not only bad luck but deadly if I have a headless picture. it is considered a very bad omen here in the Phillipines...

So In the end I decided to use my shadow instead. Oh and sorry for the low resolution picture, this one was taken from a "dumbphone".

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 20 - Bokeh

Another technical shot... But the one I love..

Took a picture of a bunch of christmas lights still hanging on trees... January would be over soon but still lots of decorations still hanging. Well, we do love Christmas here in Philippines.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 18 & 19 - Your Shoes & Something Orange


Shoes are not really my thing... I mean I only own 4 pairs. 1 leather and 3 sneakers and all 3 of them are colored black. So not that much excited about this day.

On the other hand, I'm really excited about day 19's challenge because I love orange. The color is just so lively and energetic. And one thing I'm not is dull so it's perfect for me.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 17 - Technology

As a family we have this weird habit of keeping the boxes of all gadgets we owned. Some of them are long gone or no long operational but we still keep the boxes. Weird but that makes a perfect shot for this challenge...

Here are some of the gadgets my family owned.

Day 16 - Long Exposure

Technical difficulty. First off I can't use the camera on my phone or my iPad, can't really do proper camera tricks on those, so I have to bust out my DSLR. Second, I don't have much experience in doing long exposures, so goodluck on that. Third is the matter of taking the right subject.

So with this shot I hoped I overcame those technical difficulties.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 15 - Shadows

I really think that the shadows in this picture makes things more interesting. Without the shadows this would be really a boring picture.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Days 12 & 13 - Sunset & 13 Things.

Okay, for day 12 I kind of cheated. Yesterday we had a departmental meeting from 4pm to 6pm. So no chance of sneaking out and get a photo of the sunset. So for today I just drew a sunset and placed around the drawing are 13 colored pens.

Sorry for cheating.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 11 - Something Blue

It was getting late and I still don't have anything blue in sight... I was getting worried I might not have a shot today... Only 11 days in and I'm already stumbling... I didn't even made it to the halfway mark...

And then I saw this... An officemate will be celebrating her birthday soon and as a gift they decorated her desk with this...


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 10 - Childhood Memory

Lego! Countless hours lost in a made up world where everything is possible (as long as it can be "lego-ed" up together).

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 9 - Someone you love

Okay this hard. Single and no prospect in sight, so scratch having a photo of my partner. My Mom insists that for any picture to be taken of her she must be all dressed up and made up. Hahah so again scratch that option. My brothers are too busy.

Fortunately I have that special someone who I know will always be there for me. Someone who won't judge me and I know loves me unconditionally.

Guys, meet Juan.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 8 - A Bad Habit

Yay! What nice way to start the week with a bad habit.

Definitely a bad habit and one that is so hard to give up.

Why is something so good can be bad for you...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Days 6 & 7 - Low Angle photography & Something Yummy.

After 3 house parties and an out of town trip here I am posting again. Pretty busy weekend actually.

First photo is a shot of grass in front of our house. had to battle ants and bugs to get the shot but worth it. Second is a picture of my 3 all time favorite chocolates. Definitely something yummy. 😄

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 5 - Picture taken from a high angle

This is getting more fun everyday!

Next time, much more creative pictures but for now, not so much. Can't really find a perfect spot to take pictures...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 4 - Something Green

This was the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw that the challenge was to photograph something green. Weird.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 3 - Clouds

Something about clouds that just makes me so calm...

View from my Office Building.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 2 - What you wore today

#OOTD moment!

Funny how I was having a hard time with this simple task. You see I work for a company that requires us to wear uniforms. So it was hard to think of any way for me to jazz it up. I really don't want to post a boring gray shirt and pants combo. I really don't have a way to change my uniform so I just focused on my accessories. So there...

But i still wish I could have worn another outfit... Hahaha...

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 1 - Self Portrait

Who knew taking your own picture could be so hard? I was trying to sneak in a couple of shots in between work, while having lunch, while talking on the phone. I even tried taking a picture in front of the mirror in the office bathroom but thankfully I changed my mind the last minute. I also tried different expressions on my face, from angry to bored to happy to finally to indifference.

It was really a fun experience for me. I was really enjoying the day. Was engaged and alert because I was looking out for another opportunity to take a picture of myself. Another great thing came out of this experience. I now know what my angles are! Hahaha No more bad faces on the next family reunion!

Okay i'm talking too much already.

So here it is, my Self Portrait;

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Challenge

For over a month now I have been thinking and thinking of aproject should I do for 2013. I asked myself if I could write an online novelbut then again I have no interesting stories to tell. I thought of volunteeringfor Manila Zoo (for real) but I think my work schedule won’t allow it. Then Ithought of blogging. For the longest time I wanted a blog but never had thecourage to go thru with it. So I decided that this year would be the year Istart one.

But as soon as I decided to create a blog I was hit byanother wall, what to blog about? I asked Google for any ideas but the answersare really vague.  All I know is I wanteda blog but really finding the inspiration of what to write about is verydaunting. I really don’t want to write about my work or my everyday experiencesbecause it would be very boring.  Food bloggingis out of the question because I can’t possibly feature just about everyfastfood chain I know. For weeks I tried to find that one thing I can do and Ican blog about. Finally the answer came to me late last night. Why not a 30 dayphoto challenge, apparently there are a lot of different lists out there somaybe I can try it out one lists at a time.

So here it is. I am starting my one year, 30 day challenge,with this.

Day 1; Self Portrait                                                          
Day 2; What you wore today                                      
Day 3; Clouds                                                                    
Day 4; Something Green                                              
Day 5; High Angle                                                            
Day 6; Low Angle                                                             
Day 7; Something Yummy                                           
Day 8; A bad habit                                                           
Day 9; Someone you Love                                           
Day 10; Childhood Memory                                        
Day 11; Something Blue                                                               
Day 12; Sunset                                                                 
Day 13; Yourself with 13 things                                  
Day 14; Eyes                                                                      
Day 15; Silhouettes or Shadows
Day 16; Long Exposure                  
Day 17; Technology
Day 18; Your Shoes
Day 19; Something Orange
Day 20; Bokeh
Day 21; Faceless Portrait
Day 22; Hands
Day 23; Sun Flare
Day 24; Animal
Day 25; Something Pink
Day 26; Close Up
Day 27; From a distance
Day 28; Flowers
Day 29; Black & White
Day 30; Self Portrait

So there it is. Not to boring but not so difficult either. 

I will officially start tomorrow.

Wish me luck!