Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 6 - Favorite Word

A bit of a mix up. I thought it would be your favorite word challenge today. Apparently it was not, it was "your favorite book character" instead. So I'll just switch those two... Sorry :'(

Favorite Word; Summer!

Just reading the word summer for me brings a feeling of happiness. Memories of endless play time and no school work. The taste of very sweet and very cold Halo Halo, Ice Cream, Mais con Yelo and Saging con Yelo. And of course, The Philippines being an island nation, beaches!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 5 - Your Bestfriend

How can I describe my bestfriend? Well... Lela is taller than me and have a higher position in the office haha. I don't know what else. Funny how I can't describe her that much...

We laugh a lot and mostly at each other's expense. We eat a lot, especially sweet things. As much as we have a lot in common, we have a lot of differences too. She is steadfast and strong about her decisions while I easily change my mind. She is responsible while I'm easygoing.

Hope she does not gets angry about my drawing. Hahah

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 4 - Favorite Place

Okay say as much as you want about a peaceful rural living but for me, nothing beats living in the city. Manila may be crowded and hot but I love it that way. Noisy yet the beat of the city seems to calm me down. The life of a sleepy provincial town is not for me. Believe me, I tried it.

Manila by night, drawn by me.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 3 - Favorite Food

I so love cupcakes I have one named after me.

Well, you see a cousin of mine bakes cupcakes and sells them online. 2 years ago, on my birthday I asked her to make a special one for me, an orange flavored cupcake. It was supposed to be a one time thing but apparently they were a hit with her customers so she had it permanently on her menu. Oh yeah she named it after me.

About the drawing... Sorry I really tried to make it as good as I can. But...

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 2 - Favorite Animal

Got home late. Had a fun dinner with friends so I have to rush a drawing. So here is my favorite animal;

A Penguin.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 1 - Yourself.

Since I can't draw a very realistic me, I just settled with a "cartoon-ized" version me.

Complete with glasses and very unruly hair. Hahaha

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Challenge no. 2 "The 30 Day Drawing Challenge"

The 30 day drawing challenge. Or what the hell did I put myself into?

Okay, a bit of a backgrounder, I told myself that I should pick a challenge blindfolded and the whichever challenge my finger lands on my computer screen that would be the one. So here I am with a drawing challenge.

Be warned, my drawing skills are not that great so I'll definitely do a lot of explainings. For sure lots of moments of confusion because I would draw something and you guys will see it as a whole other thing. so there.

Please bear with me.

Bring it on!

Day 1; Yourself
Day 2; Your Favorite Animal
Day 3; Your Favorite Food
Day 4; Your Favorite Place
Day 5; Bestfriend
Day 6; Favorite Book Character
Day 7; Favorite Word
Day 8; Favorite Animated Character
Day 9; Favorite TV Show
Day 10; Favorite Candy
Day 11; Turning point in your life
Day 12; Most recent Accomplishment
Day 13; Comics
Day 14; Favorite Fairytale
Day 15; Family Picture
Day 16; Inspiration
Day 17; Favorite Plant
Day 18; Just a doodle
Day 19; Something New
Day 20; Something Orange
Day 21; Something you want
Day 22; Something you miss
Day 23; Something you need
Day 24; A Couple
Day 25; Scenery
Day 26; Something you don't like
Day 27; Some One you love
Day 28; Anything you would like
Day 29; A place you like to go
Day 30; A banner for finishing the challenge

Now that I am seeing the list. I know I'm screwed. Big time!